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Take your conversational AI operations to the next level

Take the first step to chatbot mastery today

Our Chatbot Excellence Programme will show you how your chatbot can be improved to further enhance efficiency in your Organization.

  • Fill in your details for a free chatbot review 
  • Highlight specific areas & optimise your chatbot
  • Develop conversational AI strategies and drive your team to new heights


Use the Chatbot Excellence Package to enhance the value of your AI Assistant


Use the Chatbot Excellence Package to enhance the value of your AI Assistant with Conversation Design Institute. Get started today and your Oganization could see:

  • Optimized Customer Service
  • Improved return on chatbot investment 
  • Competitive edge in an evolving market
Whats included

Are you ready for Chatbot Excellence

Conversation Design Institute has provided training for teams in a range of industries, including Telco, Energy, Finance, and others. The training has been tailored to the specific needs and challenges of each industry, and the results have been impressive. Our Chatbot Excellence package takes the core elements we use to create a tailored training package for your chatbot team.

Expert Review

Gain a fresh perspective on your existing chatbot's performance. Our expert review delves deep into your NLU and Conversation Design giving you actionable insights to enhance user engagement and streamline customer interactions.

Interactive Workshops

Learn from the best in the field through immersive workshops. These workshops bridge the gap between theory and real-world application, ensuring your team is equipped to excel and to crafting compelling conversations.

Online Courses

Access our online courses and certification covering everything you need to go from a beginner to a certified practitioner. 

Elevate your team's capabilities in creating chatbots that resonate with your customers. 

Success Starts With A Conversation

The journey to conversational excellence  happens when you unify automation and experience goals. The expert team at Conversation Design Institute can show you how to achieve success. It's only a conversation away.