Our certificates
If you already have the knowledge, take the exam, and get officially certified by CDI. Our professional certificates are recognized throughout the industry.
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Discover Learning for BusinessFlexible payment options
You’re about to take a big step in your career. Take it the way that works for you. We offer a wide variety of payment methods, including the option to pay in 6 monthly installments.

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Create a free account and get a preview of our classes. You will find a rotating collection of beginner, intermediate, and expert lectures to start your journey in conversation design.
Join students from 50+ countries, certified by CDI

Our graduates by the numbers
Our community of graduates is creating AI Assistants that are collectively having more than 5 million conversations per day. With that growing impact comes a growing demand for AI Training, Conversation Design, and Conversational Copywriting.
Where our graduates work

About our certificates
There are many skills required to build a succesful conversation design team. Some are more technical, some more creative. With multiple certificates, you ensure that your team can take on every conversational challenge.
All our certificates are recognized throughout the industry. It tells employers that you master the right skills for the right role.